Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to control which Endeca record properties to be returned on Record Spotlight Cartridge items?

Behaviour : -  Record spotlight cartridge record object returns all the dimension/properties from Endeca Dgraph and consumes memory. This i... thumbnail 1 summary
Behaviour : - 

Record spotlight cartridge record object returns all the dimension/properties from Endeca Dgraph and consumes memory. This is one of the performance concern to load extremely heavy object. Average response size of one Endeca record(Erec) would be 100 KB.

Solution :- 

/atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/handler/config/RecordSpotlightConfig component is responsible to set which properties to be returned from endeca query response.

Query without Rollup :-
Set RecordSpotlightConfig.fieldNames property. List of properties can be defined to be returned from Endeca. Setting null would bring all dimension and properties.

Query with Rollup :-

  1. Set RecordSpotlightConfig.fieldNames property for representative records. List of properties can be defined to be returned from Dgraph/MDEX.
  2. Set RecordSpotlightConfig.subRecordFieldNames property for aggregated records. This is the list of properties for aggregated record.


Note: For Rollup query, fieldNames and subRecordFieldNames both needs to be defined otherwise response Erec object would return all record properties and dimensions for Record spotlight cartridge .

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