Friday, March 18, 2016

Endeca Script : How To Run Dgidx from Command Prompt??

Dgidx is the indexing program that reads the tagged records that were prepared  by Forge or CAS and creates the proprietary indexes for the... thumbnail 1 summary
Dgidx is the indexing program that reads the tagged records that were prepared by Forge or CAS and creates the proprietary indexes for the MDEX Engine.

Find out steps if Dgidx process needs to be run from command prompt against forge_output.

1. Go to <<Endeca_Install_Path>>\MDEX\<version>
2. Run mdex_setup script.
3. Run dgidx using the following command.

dgidx -v --out [specify output log directory] [forge_output_directory]\[appliation configuration prefix] (dgidx_output_directory)\(appliation configuration prefix)
.\dgidx -v --out [specify output log directory] [forge_output_directory]/[appliation configuration prefix] (dgidx_output_directory)/(appliation configuration prefix)

dgidx -v --out C:\test\log\Dgidx.log C:\test\forge_output\CRS C:\test\dgidx_output\CRS

Note:- This would helpful for debugging/performance tuning purpose.

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