As part of the development/debugging phase, Endeca Application needs to be migrated from QA to UAT or Production to Staging.
Following items need to be migrated between environments. Find out the description below for each item.
- Record Store - Record store contains all indexable records(Product catalog, content, record store etc.) and dimension information.
- Workbench application - Business creates content using Endeca Experience manager and gets stored in ECR(Endeca Configuration Repository). This application contains XM content, cartridges and other configuration like thesaurus etc.
- Index-config - Index-config contains all properties, dimensions, precedence rules and dictionary related configuration in JSON format.
- Dimension Value Id Manager - Dimension Value Id manager contains Endeca auto generated dimension values. Endeca N-value can be different if this does not copy to the environment.
- Endeca Pipeline - This Folder contains Endeca Application indexing configuration XML including properties, dimensions, search etc.
- Editors Config - This Folder contains configuration file to make a call to MDEX to show appropriate data in Experience manager cartridges.
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productdataservice.json |
Export Endeca Application steps
1. Record Store - Click here to get more details. This Step can be optional if baseline triggers using /atg/commerce/endeca/index/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin Component
2. Dimension Value Id Manager - Navigate To CAS Bin folder and run following commands to export
CAS_Installation_Path/CAS/11.1.0/bin->./cas-cmd.[bat|sh] exportDimensionValueIdMappings -m <<dimension-value-id-manager name>> -f /home/atg/dimvalid.csv
4. Editors Config - Copy Endeca_App/config/ifcr/configuration/tools/xmgr folder
5. Workbench Application - Navigate To Endeca Application control folder and run following commands to export content
<<Endeca_App>>/control->./runcommand.[bat|sh] IFCR exportApplication </path to generate file>
This would generate the zip/exploded folder.
6. Index-Config - Navigate To Endeca Application control folder and run following commands to export index-config.json
Import Endeca Application steps - Steps should be in the following order.
1. Record Store - Click here to get more details. This Step can be optional if baseline triggers using /atg/commerce/endeca/index/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin Component.
2. Dimension Value Id Manager - Run below command to import dimension values
<CAS_Installation_Path>/CAS/11.1.0/bin->./cas-cmd.[bat|sh] importDimensionValueIdMappings -m <<dimension-value-id-manager name>> -f /home/atg/dimvalid.csv
3. Endeca Pipeline - Use the backup of <<Endeca_App>>/config/mdex folder and move pipeline.
4. Editors Config - Copy editors_config from step 5 and change host and post information based on environment under each json file and run the following command
<<Endeca_App>>/control -> set_editors_config.[bat|sh]
5. Index-Config - Run below command to import index-config.json
<<Endeca_APP_PATH>>/control->./index_config_cmd.[bat|sh] set-config -o all -f File_path/index-config.json
<<Endeca_App>>/control -> ./baseline_update.[bat|sh]
7. Workbench Content - Run below command to import workbench content
<<Endeca_APP_PATH>>/control->./ IFCR importApplication <<export_zip_file/folder_path>>
<<Endeca_APP_PATH>>/control->./index_config_cmd.[bat|sh] get-config -o all-File_Path/index-config.json
1. Record Store - Click here to get more details. This Step can be optional if baseline triggers using /atg/commerce/endeca/index/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin Component.
2. Dimension Value Id Manager - Run below command to import dimension values
<CAS_Installation_Path>/CAS/11.1.0/bin->./cas-cmd.[bat|sh] importDimensionValueIdMappings -m <<dimension-value-id-manager name>> -f /home/atg/dimvalid.csv
3. Endeca Pipeline - Use the backup of <<Endeca_App>>/config/mdex folder and move pipeline.
4. Editors Config - Copy editors_config from step 5 and change host and post information based on environment under each json file and run the following command
<<Endeca_App>>/control -> set_editors_config.[bat|sh]
5. Index-Config - Run below command to import index-config.json
<<Endeca_APP_PATH>>/control->./index_config_cmd.[bat|sh] set-config -o all -f File_path/index-config.json
6. Endeca Baseline Update- Run below Command
<<Endeca_App>>/control -> ./baseline_update.[bat|sh]
<<Endeca_APP_PATH>>/control->./ IFCR importApplication <<export_zip_file/folder_path>>
8. Promote Content - Run the following command to promote content from Authoring to Live. Promote content can be run the Workbench as well.
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