As per default behavior of Endeca, Selected dimension does not return as part of Endeca query guided navigation response whenever a multi-select dimension is selected. So selected dimension value does not get retained in left navigation.
Endeca OOTB creates a Breadcrumbs object and places all selected dimension under it. Find out solutions below :-
1. Using Cartridges JSP - This approach can display selected dimensions in either top or bottom of the selected dimensions, not in the order that was being displayed.
As per default behavior of Endeca, Selected dimension does not return as part of Endeca query guided navigation response whenever a multi-select dimension is selected. So selected dimension value does not get retained in left navigation.
Endeca OOTB creates a Breadcrumbs object and places all selected dimension under it. Find out solutions below :-
1. Using Cartridges JSP - This approach can display selected dimensions in either top or bottom of the selected dimensions, not in the order that was being displayed.
- Set BreadCrumbs object in request scope under Breadcrumbs.jsp. Use the Set variable in RefinementMenu.jsp <c:set var="breadCrumbsContentItem" value="${content}" scope="request" />
- Use Breadcrumbs object in RefinementMenu.jsp and merge with Refinement menu Object
<c:if test="${not empty breadCrumbsContentItem.refinementCrumbs}">
<c:forEach var="dimCrumb" items="${breadCrumbsContentItem.refinementCrumbs}">
<c:set var="dimensionName1" value="${dimCrumb.dimensionName}" />
<c:if test="${dimCrumb.dimensionName eq refinementMenu.dimensionName }">
<a href="${dimCrumb.removeAction.navigationState}">${dimCrumb.label}(${dimCrumb.count})</a>
2. Using Cartridge Handler- Extend RefinementMenu cartridge handler and find out following steps
- Get ENEQueryResults.getNavigation().getDescriptorDimensions() to get the selected refinements.
- Get RefinementMenuConfig object to get the dimension order that defined in Endeca Experience manager boosted or buried section.
- Merge the OOTB RefinementMenu object under process() method using step 1 and 2 objects.
3. Disabled Dimension - Click here to view.
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